8 Content Marketing Success Tips

8 Content Marketing Success Tips Cover


Content Marketing as a strategy in Internet marketing is about creating content that consumers will engage with and act upon. It requires more effort and thought, beyond creating content. It also requires a growing array of marketing tools to generate the ideal content for a campaign. Content Marketing affects the customer’s decision-making process. With a solid content marketing strategy, the customers’ buying decisions can happen faster, and your market reach can expand to new prospects. Done right, Content Marketing is certainly worth the effort.

Step 1: Identify Your Audience

Buyer Persona

The first thing is to determine the potential audience that will consume the content. In other words, to whom are you writing? Knowing this will help you understand that audience and how to speak to them. Without an understanding of your audience, you could well be erroneously targeting an audience that will not serve your marketing goals.

By investing the effort to establish who your target audience is, otherwise known as a “Buyer Persona,” allows you to personalize and to target your content marketing to your desired audience. Tailoring your messaging accordingly will ensure that you are maximizing your content so the likelihood that the consumers convert into leads and customers, is much greater.

Step 2: Identify Content Type and Keywords

You want your content to provide useful information while also entertaining your target audience. Creating engaging content will drive traffic in and ensure return visitors to your content. Failing to do that will minimize your impact and may destroy your chances of converting your leads into customers. Fortunately, armed with your buyer persona information, you are moving in the right direction to create content your audience would want to read.

For further inspiration on writing content that will convert, use hashtags to search for your related topic on social media platforms to get a snapshot of topics that are trending in your area of interest. Topics that have received a high number of likes, re-tweets, and shares are an indication that the type of content being shared is well received and in-demand by your target audience. This exercise will help you get insights to assemble your content. This gained insight would help you formulate the type of content to include in your own article on the chosen subject.

So, you now have an idea to whom you are writing, what your target audience is searching, and the topic you want to write about, good job! Before you start writing, take one more step of finding the right keywords for the content you want to write. Your keywords would be what your audience are searching for or what questions they are asking when they search online. The right keywords can get your marketing content in front of the right audience.

Step 3: Choose Images and Other Media for Your Content

Slide Media for Blog Post

Now that you have your marketing content written, it is time to “dress it up!” Frequently, site visitors are looking for the multimedia experience that can make your content marketing post more alluring and break up blocks of text. They want to see relevant and interesting images, videos, infographics, and or slideshows that make content easily and quickly digestible.

The general practice is that every post should have at least one image so that when the post is shared on other social media channels, it is accompanied by a thumbnail of the image to entice a clickthrough.

Use of images, infographics, and videos, when properly executed, can help make your content stand out.

Step 4: Optimize Your Content for Search Engines (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization

Make sure your content can be easily discovered in search engines and served to your desired searchers. This is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), where you optimize your content to gain visibility from Google and other search engines.

If you are posting your content on a platform not self-hosted, you only need to concern yourself with optimizing your content. This includes making sure you are using the right keywords relevant to your topic, avoiding over-using the keyword in your content, and making sure your images or videos are the right format and size.

The “heavy lifting” of SEO is done mostly at the web page or website level. You will need a software or platform tool for help with performing various content, on-page and technical SEO functions, such as: 

  • Check any site page against points of data and give you suggestions on optimizing.
  • Find any images that lack alt-tag attributes and fix it.
  • Grade your website based on its performance, on-page SEO and optimization for mobile devices.
  • Compresses images for faster load times.
  • Test the page load time, analyze it, and find bottlenecks.
  • Check your site speed.

Most of the SEO tools at this level are paid and you might consider investing in one if you are self-hosting your website.

Step 5: Add a Call-to-Action (CTA)

Call to Action Microphone

After providing valuable content to your audience, if you want them to sign up for your newsletter, request more information, give you a shout-out on social media, join a group, download or buy something, it’s important that you make the request with a clear, compelling and well-crafted “call to action,” (aka, CTA), to encourage the reader to take the desired action.

Make sure your content has specific CTAs that are strategically placed and highlight the benefits that your audience stands to gain. Also share CTA links to your content on your own social media profiles and invite your followers and visitors to take the desired actions, including to like, share, and comment.

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Step 6: Edit, Edit, Edit!

Edit-Edit Content

Do a thorough revision of the marketing content you have created. First check the obvious things, like spelling and proper punctuation and proper use of bullet points and emphasized texts, to draw attention to your salient points. If needed, use online editing and proofreading checklists to aid you.

Ensure that the images you have selected match the final version of your marketing content. Finally, revisit your post title. You may have made edits that affect the title.

Step 7: Promote, Boost, Monitor

Promote, Boost Content

After you publish your content, your work is not quite done. Celine Dion was reported to have said that she could not imagine creating music and not promoting her work.

Similarly, you must now amplify and boost your publication to get more eyeballs on it. For example, people who like your Page on Facebook may see your posted content in their News Feed. But when you Boost a post, you can reach even more people who like your Page and new audiences.

If you choose to, you can also monitor the performance of your publication to see how well it is doing. Social media platforms where you publish your content have analytics that will help you routinely track performance. If you are publishing on your own self-hosted blog, you can track performance with Google Analytics.

Quick check to help with amplifying your content:

  • Make sure you have social like/share buttons on your content or if you have a website, apply on every page of your website or blog.
  • Share all your content to your own social media profiles.
  • Ask your followers and visitors to like, share, and comment on your content.

Step 8: Content is King

Content is King

High-quality content is still king, and your ticket to better success. Whether it is a blog post, YouTube video, or social media post, without high-quality content, you will struggle to draw in new prospects or maintain the interest of regular customers. No matter the type of content you are creating, quality and relevance should always apply.

It takes effort to create good content that resonates with your target audience, but that also means a chance to stand out with your audience. You have a chance to create a user experience that will not only gain favor with the search engines, but will attract the right kind of subscribers and buyers, plus expand your reach. These 8 content marketing success tips will help you reach your content marketing goals.

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